FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some of the common questions about Ally. If you could not find your answer, please contact us.

No, All individuals, business owners, and enterprises can register and start using Ally. We do not require any official documentation upon registration.

Yes, since Ally is a cloud-based solution, you can access it and manage your business from any country in the world.

Almost unlimited, you can add up to 1 million items to your stores and up to 1 million users to Ally system.

Ally is secured by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to provide communications security over its network. Also, daily backups are taken to ensure that your data never get lost.

Ally is a retail software, employee & inventory management, eCommerce & employee management cloud-based solution. Ally can be used on various devices such as your smartphone, iPad, Mac and PC.

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